Meet The

Meditation Course

Learn this simple, practical meditation technique to recover from the depths of survival mode and start thriving again with connection and balance.


You’ve heard of meditation…and you’ve likely tried it. Maybe even more than once.
And practicing sounds great in theory… 

But what do you actually do? And how do you do it? 

Somehow we’ve fallen into a culture of thinking we’ll “get it” if we ‘YouTube it’ and ‘teach ourselves’ - watch a quick tutorial, download a guided Meditation App and listen to a soothing voice. 

This is all great in theory, but in reality - we just don’t do it no matter how much we promise ourselves we will or know we need it. 

Learning to meditate with real time guidance and the ability to ask questions about everything from how you’re sitting, to what’s floating through your mind, and everything in between is truly invaluable and necessary when starting off with a lifelong beneficial meditation practice. 

You can literally fit this practice into your daily life
no matter what unfolds

Some of the powerful benefits of learning this particular Meditation Technique are that it is simple, practical, completely natural, and ultimately life changing for all who commit to it. 

If you’re feeling:  

  • Overwhelmed 

  • Exhausted 

  • Scattered 

  • Sleep deprived

  • Stressed 

  • Like you never have enough time

This mediation technique was created for you. 

From the day you learn, you can practice for just 20 minutes twice daily, and it can be done whenever is best for you. That might be while you’re breastfeeding, or while your child sleeps in your arms, or while someone drives you in a car on a commute. 

This technique will:

  • Reboot your entire system

  • Dissolve the accumulated stress and fatigue in the mind and body

  • Make you feel more energized, clear and aware

  • More calm and confident to flow in your daily family life.

Everything from fatigue, fogginess, anxiety, nervousness, physical pain or mental conditions can significantly improve after only a short while of practising this technique.

You’ll gain greater adaptability and feel more capable to meet the endless demands of your job or children and all challenges of your day to day life.

Once all that stress, sleep deprivation and fogginess has cleared and you start to reverse living from deep survival mode and start to see the light again

You’ll be able to:

  • stop reacting and start responding to life, including big emotional moments for your children

  • slowly heal and replenish your cup

  • access your mind’s fullest potential

  • awaken your innate state of compassion, generosity and infinite creativity

Through cultivating and committing to a twice daily meditation practice, you get to let go of limiting beliefs and boundaries, and return to your natural state of life with a balanced mind which means doing Motherhood with ease and flow.

Client Testimonials


LIVE in person & Online Video Courses

Your New Meditation Experience 

(Live OR via Zoom Conference Calls)

This Meditation course is taught within 3 consecutive 1.5-hour sessions over three days in a small group or privately. All three sessions must be attended consecutively.
By the end of the three sessions, you will be an independent, confident meditator without the need of a teacher, an app or anything but you and somewhere to sit to do it.


Session 1 — 90 min.

  • Learn the fundamentals of the technique 

  • Practice together straight away 

  • Reflect on the experience with extended Q&A 

  • FAQ’s and benefits of the practice 

  • Tips and tricks for your take home practice

Session 2 — 90 min.

  • Share your at home experience 

  • Practice together 

  • Reflect on the experience with extended Q&A 

  • Practical tips and tweaks to make it an effortless practice

  • Mechanics and the impact of stress and the neuroscience of this practice

Session 3 — 90 mins

  • Share your at home experience 

  • Practice together 

  • Reflect on the experience with extended Q&A 

  • What the future looks and feels like when established in Being 

  • Next steps


Included in the Course

 three extra bonuses:

  • Become a part of the Meditating Village (MV) where you’ll be invited to regular complimentary Group Meditation sessions which is a wonderful way to stay in touch, connect with likeminded souls, stay motivated and deepen your practice

  • Receive ongoing support from me as your meditation teacher with any questions about your practice

  • Have the opportunity to re-sit the meditation course as a refresher with compliments.

Your Results

After this course, you can expect to experience:

  • Deep rest and recovery from fatigue 

  • Reduced stress and anxiety 

  • Better sleep and relief from insomnia and sleep deprivation

  • Improved clarity, focus, memory and productivity 

  • Increased energy, vitality and resilience

  • The ability to stay calm under pressure

  • A stronger immune system

  • Improved relationships with yourself and others

  • A deeper connection to your true self

  • The ability to make accurate decisions at high speed

  • Improved creative intelligence & motivation

  • Reduction of addictive behaviours

  • A greater sense of well-being and happiness

Who It’s For

This program is for mothers during all stages - from pre-conception to pregnancy and postpartum. It is specially designed for “normal” people with busy lives and bills to pay. (This is not a monk’s technique in the silent mountains). 

This particular meditation technique is perfect for you if you: 

  • Have never meditated before, or might think you won’t be able to do it 

  • Have meditated before using an app or in a class with a teacher, but want to take your practice to a deeper level

  • Meditate alone sometimes, but really feel you could benefit from truly committing to a regular practice

  • Are struggling with anxiety or depression

  • Feel lost or disconnected from yourself, your children, your partner, or your purpose 

Ready to Experience
More Balance and Energy?

The learn to Meditate Course

3 x 90 min. Sessions - $450

The group course only opens 6 times a year and has a maximum number of participants per program to keep it intimate so save your seat below if you’re ready for a life changing practice!

*Payment plans available.

*Private courses are also available. Book in below.


Still Have Questions?

Click the button below to send me a message, and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.