meet the

Deep Mother Love


Deep Mother Love

A deeply intimate 12-week journey for mothers to experience being truly heard, seen, understood and accepted in a private 1-on-1 coaching relationship with me.

Together we co-create a sacred and safe space for you to unravel your fears, traumas, triggers, experiences and challenges and start healing yourself and your Motherhood journey step by step.


With gentle embodied guidance, I provide you with the time and space you deserve to truly heal with deep listening and powerful life changing practices, tools, tips and tricks and all the Mama hacks you need to start loving yourself, your children, your partner and this role like you truly deserve. You will also have the opportunity to connect with other Mothers from the group program if and when you feel ready along our 1on1 journey together. 

This program is also suitable for Mama’s-to-Be who are feeling drawn to be guided through their pregnancy in preparation for their birth and the enormity of the life change that is - ‘becoming Mother.’ A super powerful way to be deeply prepared with gentle guidance for the infinite unknowns of Motherhood. Especially in that last month of pregnancy and those first months postpartum. 

Inside Deep Mother Love…

We go deep into the real, often hard truths that no one is providing support for. We embrace it all. We listen and share the real Motherhood stories, experiences, traumas, and heartache together. We feel it, and we damn sure create a clear and practical pathway to healing it – because this is the only way forward

This program is designed to help you:

  • Heal through sharing your birth story

  • Learn about Matresence and all the missing information that no one told you!

  • Unravel your own childhood experiences and the way you were parented, begin to understand it and come to a place of compassion and acceptance 

  • Learn how to rewire your emotional reactions when triggered by your children, partner, family in your day to day life

  • Unwind the accumulated stress in your nervous system

  • Reverse your sleep deprivation with daily meditation and relaxation practices 

  • Reconnect with yourself, your heart song, and your soul’s needs and desires 

  • Co-regulate your children's emotions through play therapy

  • Set new boundaries for yourself and your family that align with the new woman you’ve become even if they don’t fit into the normal models

  • Learn new practices, tools, tips, tricks and Mama hacks for yourself, your children, your family, your partner, your home and lifestyle choices 

All of these practices and methodologies will help you:

Gain clarity and flow with day to day tasks, so you can move from scattered, unproductive, constantly time-poor and overwhelmed…

… to grounded, efficient and connected to yourself, your children, your partner - which will make for a much more happy family

Step by step, I will guide and support you to reconnect with yourself and create a new way of living, loving, and giving – first to yourself, then to your family, and then to the planet at large. 

Deep Mother Love  

How It Works

  • 14 Weekly 1-on-1 Private Coaching Calls

  • Private Live Online Learn to Meditate Course

  • Weekly Practice Tools + Homework

  • Accountability and check in support between calls via private Slack message

  • Relevant related resources such as podcasts, books, practitioners 

  • And so much more 

Want to know more?

What to Expect, Week by Week 

It’s really important to note that this program is completely tailored to you and your unique Motherhood journey. This means that I have no agenda other than to support you in the most holistic and gently healing way needed each step along the way. We may need to expand on one part of your journey for more time. Perhaps we will be able to skip through another element, and go even deeper into what is most relevant and needed for you in each moment. We will use the below program outline to guide us so that you feel thoroughly supported in a truly holistic way from a mental, emotional, physical and spiritual wellbeing perspective. 


Phase 1: Creating Space for Healing

  • Intention setting 

  • Learn to Meditate Course

  • Processing Matrescence

  • Birth story sharing

  • Current challenges eg. sleep, physical depletion, nutrition, emotional triggers

Phase 2: Holistic Wellbeing - self care, physical health, emotional and mental

  • Nutrition, cooking, recipes, shopping hacks for self and family 

  • Environmental health in home and lifestyle choices - sunshine, air, water, nature, emf, lighting, sound, bedtime routine

  • Alternative natural medicine for self and children - essential oils, homeopathics, energy healers, vitamins, supplements 

  • Prioritizing Self Care - support and fitting it in

  • Sleep - for you and your children - how to get more and better quality sleep 

  • Emotional Toolkit using Breathwork to recognize and process emotions from your Motherhood experiences and childhood traumas and triggers

  • Boundary setting techniques for yourself, your children, your family and your community 

  • Learn how to speak your truth and deliver your new desires with ease and grace

Phase 3: Devotion Play Practice + Reconnecting to your Heart, Passion and Creativity

  • Learn a play practice to regulate your children's emotions & transform your life

  • Create space to reconnect to your heart’s deepest desires, practice your creative passions from your past and uncover your new gifts and what you want to create in the world as the new woman you are today 

  • Reflection and integration 


Your Transformation


Through this program, you can expect to:

  • Reverse sleep deprivation + reduce brain fog 

  • Begin enjoying the day to day role of motherhood

  • Start truly enjoying your child/ren 

  • Overcome feelings of resentment, longing, and grief over your old life or body 

  • Connect with yourself, your partner, your children, your community, to Mother Earth 

  • Feel balanced mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually  

  • Have time for yourself, your children, your partner, and be in service to your community in a way that lights you up 

Side Effects of The Deep Mother Love (dML) Program

Some common side effects of TML may include but are not limited to…

  • Mental clarity 

  • Strengthened immunity 

  • Increased energy 

  • Reduced stress 

  • Deep rest 

  • The newfound ability to respond instead of react to challenges, meltdowns, or tantrums

  • Finding your own true voice 

  • Letting go of relationships that no longer serve you 


How to know if Deep Mother Love is right for you…

This program is for you if you: 

  • Want to be seen, heard, understood, supported, and unconditionally loved in a sacred and safe space 

  • Feel depleted and overwhelmed mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually 

  • Need to change your day to day experience of your Motherhood life in every way 

  • Want to reduce stress, feel more rested, get rid of brain fog and find some clarity

  • Figure out the most efficient way to get the endless household chores done! 

  • Want to stop feeling triggered by your kids and their behaviour 

  • Want to stop losing it at your partner, and instead reconnect and rekindle all the lost love and time you don’t have energy or desire for anymore 

  • Want to reconnect with yourself, work out who you are now, process what happened to the old you, discover what you want to be and do in the future 

  • Want to connect more deeply with your children and create space and time to truly see them and feel them and their essence. Make them feel understood, seen and loved like they want and deserve. 

This is not for you if you: 

  • Prefer to figure things out on your own 

  • Don’t usually commit to things no matter how much you really want or need to 

  • Don’t feel like you’re truly ready for big and real change

  • Are not interested in personal growth or deep healing work 

  • Don’t like to follow efficient and practical proven roadmaps  

  • Find it hard to trust people, and can’t imagine sharing your deep stuff in a group setting 

  • Aren’t ready to implement deep healing practices into your life


Ready to jump into
Deep Mother Love?

12-Week Private Coaching Program

Everything from the group coaching RML program is included in this private coaching DML version, except we will dive more deeply into the details of your unique motherhood journey to address your specific needs, desires, and challenges and go at the pace that suits you best.

This program only opens twice a year, so if you want to change your life in every way, schedule a time to connect with me to see if this is an aligned next step for you!

Still Have Questions?

Click the button below to send me a message, and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.

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