What if you could exchange exhaustion and overwhelm for a balanced mind, an energized body, and a full heart?


I’m so glad you’ve made it to this moment, Mama.

If you’re here, you probably feel lost, beyond empty, and wonder every night when you hop into bed how on Earth you’re going to get up and do it all over again tomorrow. 

Because you are ‘Mothered Out’. I’m talking next level ‘touched out,’ hardcore Mum brain, endless giving from a totally MIA cup. You know the feeling all too well, right?

This is where we turn it all around.

We can transform your extreme depletion, sleep deprivation, constant rushing and emotional outbursts followed by epic Mum guilt…

…Into a completely new, upgraded, balanced way of being, thinking, feeling and living.

Yes Mama! The world can be YOURS again! No more constantly surrendering your preferences to meet your child's needs as you shrivel up in your heart center. Creating this renewed experience, starts with creating space to go deep. To share the Real Mother Life: the stories, experiences, traumas, and all the challenges and heartache together. And to integrate holistic tools, practices, and tips that will lift you out of survival mode and into this completely new and balanced version of you.

Together, we find your path to your most aligned desire of Family Life. We go deep within to uncover your blocks, elevate your wellbeing, and build the belief within yourself that you can create and experience your deepest desires and dream life.

Here’s how we can work together


My Journey into Motherhood

Hi. I’m Bronte, a devoted mother and wife, and a dedicated meditator turned meditation teacher.

I’m an executive business coach by trade who fell into a deep dark hole of health complications that in hindsight led me to the powerful path of holistic wellness. A path that has not only healed me through every bump and corner of this windy road, but has also left me wildly passionate about sharing this knowledge and the endless tools, practices, tinctures, and potions with those who need it most: Mothers. 

Mothers are the powerful creators and nurturers of our planet who truly deserve to be celebrated in a very different way than what currently exists today. When the child is born, so is the Mother. But somehow it all becomes about the baby, and there she is left trying to comprehend what is happening to her (and her baby) every step of the way. 

This happened to me too, when I birthed my baby. 

There I was loving pregnancy, feeling prepared for my blissful home birth after doing all the research, all the courses, and *BOOM* contraction numero uno of labour hit me at 38 weeks (early...WTF!) at 1am in the morning as hard and as painful as a semi-trailer hitting a concrete wall at full speed! And it did not stop with that intensity and pain for 36hrs until my beautiful son arrived at the transfer hospital in the neighbouring country to where we lived (yes, I made my husband drive me across borders to the closest more liberal country so that I could at least have some of my birth preferences happen!)

And so my journey of Motherhood began. 

I was abruptly catapulted off my holistic wellbeing educator pedestal and into the wild ride of first-time Motherhood where every tool in the bag, old and new, is needed as well as anything and everything in between! 

You see, I had all of it - the postpartum depression and anxiety as a result of the complex cocktail of birth trauma, my partner losing his job, needing to pack up quickly and move homes, cities, country and continent all with a 3 month old. As the global pandemic hit, the sleep deprivation truly set in with my highly sensitive, non-sleeping, no pacifier sucking, no bottle drinking allllll night breastfeeder with health issues to boot. I felt alone, isolated, and stuck in a cycle of trying to simply survive each day - never knowing how I would wake up and do it all over again.


So, how did I shift things? How did I reclaim my energy, my sanity, and my wellbeing?

By digging deep — within myself and within the toolkit of practices I’d built for nearly a decade

  • Feeling My Feelings. Sitting with and truly feeling the extreme and painful rollercoaster of emotions that come with first time Motherhood - grief, sadness, regret, anger, rage, frustration, confusion, despair, loneliness, heartache and not numbing them with unhealthy vices or shriveling up and hiding without asking for help.

  • Meditation. I increased my meditation practice to three or four times a day. It was my life line.

  • Sleeping. When my baby actually napped (on me) for 30 minute intervals, I took my only chance to catch up on lost sleep to get through and survive the next few hours of nurturing him. 

  • Clean Food. I never stopped shopping for organic produce, cooking nourishing home cooked meals and nourishing my body with the fuel it needed, especially through the endless hunger of the breastfeeding journey. I started eating foods and taking supplements I hadn’t eaten or needed in decades to further support my mind, body and whole system as it moved through this very depleting experience. 

  • Water. I stayed hydrated with high vibration filtered water

  • Nature. I spent time in nature every single day, especially in the sun. 

  • Cold Water Therapy. I took up daily cold showers in the mornings to give my body the immune boost it needed to get into ‘go mode’, despite my exhaustion.

  • Community. I found like-minded Mothers and started to speak my truth, to share my story, to learn from them and their experiences, to let it all hang out and just be whatever messy Mother me I was in that moment for what felt like years on end. I created a new family for myself of these Mama friends. What incredibly powerful Beings we are!

  • Speaking My Truth. Letting go of relationships no matter how painful that process was, where I couldn’t safely speak or share my truth, experiences or fears without judgement and unsolicited and misaligned advice.

  • Surrendering. Surrendering my preferences and letting go of my often unattainable dreams and desires of Motherhood every single day.

  • Support. Hiring professionals in the post partum and Motherhood support space from week one including our Angelic postpartum doula, the life saving gift of placenta encapsulation, multiple lactation consultants, acupuncturists, private midwives, psychologists, chiropractors, craniosacral healers, chinese medicine doctors, naturopaths, homeopaths, osteopaths, general practitioners, pediatricians, parenting experts, sleep consultants, Motherhood mentors and more! 

And what is more important to note, than all of this! Is the very real and raw fact that I am still so deeply in it. I am still figuring it out every single day. I am not an expert in Motherhood or children. I don’t have all the answers. I am challenged every single day by this role.

But, what was so painstakingly clear through my journey is this:

Mother’s need support.

Support that really sees them, prioritizes them, and empowers them to make powerful shifts in their daily lives so they can thrive, not just survive.

This is why I’ve worked tirelessly to create a space where you will feel seen, heard, understood, and no longer alone

And since sometimes we need more than just community, I’ve also created an achievable roadmap to guide you toward an easier way to go about Motherhood…

I’m talking about the mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual tools, practices, tips and tricks to get you from that overwhelmed, exhausted and helpless state to a whole new you

My goal is to give you the support you need to thrive again.

I’m here to walk alongside you, hold your hand, love you unconditionally, and accept you without judgement while you heal all your shiz and take your life to the next level

I’ll help you reach the place you long for from deep within your heart – the place where you love being a Mama, you love your children, you love yourself and your partner again.


My Mission

Being in service, “sevva”, is the reason for human existence.

To support and guide Mothers, who are the foundation of the world, is the ultimate gift to humanity and our planet. Without connected, balanced, thriving Mothers, we can not raise compassionate, free-spirited, critically thinking children, who then have the capacity to change the future of this planet for the better from the inside out. 

My mission is to help exhausted and overwhelmed Mothers shift out of survival mode and reclaim their time and energy to reconnect with themselves and their family with love.


Professional Bio

Bronte Hurley is a Holistic Wellbeing Coach and devoted mother and wife. Her experience both personally and professionally with wellness, meditation, and personal growth has made her a leader in her community for everything from emotional support to solution-focused action plans. No matter the complexity of her client’s needs, Bronte delivers a gentle yet committed presence while weaving her organizational power to guide Mothers with aligned solutions from her extensive toolbox and network.

  • Bachelor International Business - University of Sydney (2011) - Sydney

    Certified Executive Business Coach - Coach U (2012) - ICF Accredited - Hong Kong

    Corporate Leadership Trainer & Train-The-Trainer Coach (2015) - Neuroleadership Institute - New York City

    Holistic Health Coach & Iridologist - Heal Thy Self (2017) - Bali

    Certified Meditation Teacher - 1 Giant Mind (2018) - Barcelona